This weekend I was able to focus and get a ton of work done on the game. I spent a good portion of time learning new concepts and the remainder was focused on implementation and execution of those lessons learned.
Before I jump into the list of tasks I accomplished, I wanted to share an image generated using stable diffusion in honor of 2024 which happens to be the Year of the Wood Dragon. It got me thinking of how cool it would be to encounter a massive wooden dragon in the forests of Anduraen. Maybe even the concept of a large wooden dragon that has been encapsulated in magic and, when awoken, would exact revenge on those by whom he was trapped for hundreds of years.
A powerful raid boss could be scripted around this concept!
Now, on to the list of quests completed since the last blog post:
Hooked up some helpful tools into Visual Studio for Unreal specific integrations
Setup more advanced debugging capabilities using editor symbols
Learned a lot about Unreal-specific compilation errors and how to resolve them
Target yourself by selecting your character while in third person
Players can now deselect themselves with escape
Adjusted chat tab drag UI to match better
Added custom character base class
Added custom character class
Added custom enemy class
Setup animation blueprints for character template
Setup animation blueprints for enemy template
Repositioned the weapon sockets
Created player controller class
Created player controller blueprint
Added logic for name plates to player controller blueprint
Created game mode class
Created game mode blueprint
Set game mode blueprint to use newly created classes
Created the enemy interface to control targeting
Started working on the gameplay ability system framework
I'm ready to start tackling the gameplay ability system in Unreal. There is quite a bit of content out there claiming how great the system is. The system is incredibly flexible and built for large scale games, so naturally it is quite complex. I'm looking forward to getting a better understanding of this powerful system so I can take advantage of it for my abilities & spellcasting systems.